
Pulling Teeth

By Jonah Goldberg | Guy Denton

The Dispatch

June 29, 2023

Unable to find a guest who’s willing to tolerate his ramblings, an anesthetized Jonah is forced to return to the AMA format on today’s distinctly messy Remnant. Temporarily freed from his pit, Guy, Jonah’s immigrant manservant, offers a fresh batch of listener questions that cover everything from the latest in Supreme Court controversies, to the prospect of a Dispatch blogging section, to the conservative underpinnings of popular movies and TV shows. But although their conversation contains a few nuggets of genuine substance, most of it proves to be so pointlessly indulgent that you may be better served by simply listening to the week’s first episode again.

Show Notes:

-Watch: Jonah Goldberg AMA on YouTube

The Remnant with Bret Devereaux

Advisory Opinions on Alito’s preemptive strike

Justice Alito’s Wall Street Journal op-ed

Jonah: “Stop Pining for the ‘Good Old Days’”

The Daniel J. Boorstin Reader

– Jonah discusses Patrick Deneen on the Acton Institute podcast